Title: REMIDI Author: Michael-Dennis Biemans Version: 0.57 Title From: Documentation Author From: Documentation Version From: Documentation Supplier: Michael-Dennis Biemans Date: 14/10/96 Keywords: Sound processors Shareware: Yes Machine: Archimedes Operating system: RISCOS Memory requirements: 4096 kbytes Peripherals needed: Other s/ware needed: Directory: micros/arch/riscos/e121 Date mounted/updated: 18/06/97 File names: remidi.zip patches1.zip patches2.zip patches3.zip Unarchived files: 211 Unarchived size: 5019 kbytes Omissions: Sample set See also: TIMIDITY (d190) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acquiring the package: Download the archive file(s) and extract using SparkPlug 2 (see the "tools_help" file in micros/arch/riscos/tools for further info). Description: ReMIDI is a program that will play MIDI files on an Acorn RiscOS computer, without the need for buying extra hardware. You will need to have a large set of samples however. The main features are: * About twice the speed of TiMidity. You can reach higher samplerates, or more polyphony with ReMIDI. On slower machines it will mean that files that couldn't be played by TiMidity even at 8kHz will now work. * Desktop frontend. ReMIDI has a frontend made with the Acorn ToolBox. You can see which MIDI file is playing, and if your computer can keep up. * 8/16 bit, mono/stereo output. Obviously you'll need a 16 bit audiocard in your RiscPC to use 16 bit output. On other machines 8 bit audio is used. * Displays lyrics of karaoke-files (.kar) * Playlist for 10 MIDI-files. ReMIDI won't quit after it has played a file, it will wait until quit is selected or a new file is double-clicked. * Control window for altering volumes and muting channels The trade-off for the speed increase is a decrease in the sound quality compared to TiMidity. For ReMIDI a fast processor is still recommended, and at least 4MB is needed. You'll need the toolbox modules and the patch-set to run ReMIDI. See http://www.stack.urc.tue.nl/~michaeld/remidi.html for details. The patch set is supplied in the files: patches1.zip - patch set part 1 patches2.zip - patch set part 2 patches3.zip - upgrades to patch set